Pegasus Group, on behalf of London & Cambridge Properties, has submitted a full planning application for the redevelopment of the existing Wickford library and community centre site to deliver a new library for the town alongside new homes 19/00454/FULL
The existing Wickford Library and Community Centre buildings will be demolished, and a 5 story block of 65 flats built.
There are many drawings and supporting documents on the council's planning website (above link), although many have been redacted, so we are not allowed to read some of the details.
Some interesting points do emerge however.
One of the planning documents on the website states "In respect of residential development, a minimum level of parking is required. This is 1 space per 1 bedroom unit and 2 spaces for units of 2 or more bedrooms" (i.e. 96 spaces in this case). However, they go on to state, "a review of the wider Wickford Town Centre car parking provision concludes that Wickford is not considered to experience any significant constraints upon parking capacity". and "the average car ownership for residents of flats in the area is 0.8 and over one third (37%) live ‘car free’".
So they have provided 47 spaces instead of 96, and also reduced the existing pay car park from 55 to 37.
Also, there is a historic agreement that the Council have the right to buy this car park for 'community use' for a nominal £1. Do we lose this agreement? What do we get in return? The car parking spaces were used as a reason for the re-located London Road doctors surgery being agreed on the site opposite. These were an over-spill on that application, and now they are taking about 20 away! How can that be right when they have been used to agree a previous application!
S106 contribution
It seems that Basildon Council has still not sorted out its CIL process (Community Infrastructure Levy), which replaces the old S106, whereby councils can demand from developers a contribution for schooling, health, transport etc. to support the increased town population. It is to be hoped that they get their act together for this large development, and that an Affordable Housing contribution is included. Also, the junction of Market Road/Market Avenue needs improving via S106 monies but we doubt Highways will say anything!
The existing vacant Unit 8 of the Willows Centre (formerly HSBC) will be extended, with a new building out the back. A floor plan of the new library is below. To ensure consistency of service, the new Library building is to be completed, furnished and fully stocked before the demolition of the existing Wickford Library building is to take place.
It has to be said that the provision of a library, albeit reduced in size, is a positive and welcome outcome, when libraries in the UK are being closed down.